Advance Auto Parts has a coupon for $50 off $125 or more! Although they don’t have a printable coupon for it — you have to order online — you can choose in-store pickup and it’ll be ready and waiting within 30 minutes! In Livingston Parish, we have two locations: on Range near the interstate in Denham Springs, and on Hwy. 16 in Watson near Walmart.
Go to and apply code MISSUM41 at checkout to get $50 off $125+! If time’s not an issue, they’ll ship it to your house for free!
I used one of these coupons the last time I needed a car battery — it was simple to order online, and when I got the store, I walked up to the counter and it was sitting there waiting for me! Got the exact same item but saved 50 bucks over just walking into the store and buying it!
Awesome deal, but the coupon’s only good through Sunday…hurry!