New Orleans Cruise Departures in January: Take Advantage of Long Livingston Parish Christmas Vacation!

by Becky on September 6, 2013

This year, for whatever reason, Livingston Parish schools will be out for the Christmas break until January 13th.  If you’ve ever thought about taking your family on a cruise, early January sailings are IDEAL — they’re less expensive because they’re after Christmas and New Year’s, and they’re during the winter, which is the off-season.

Here is a list of cruise ship departures and pricing out of New Orleans in January.

carnivalelationSample rates:  a five night cruise for four passengers on the Carnival Elation departing January 6th is $1,167 including tax for an Oceanview cabin!  Plus you’ll get $25 in free onboard spending and $75 in free shore excursions!

You’ll spend two days in Mexico:  one day in Progreso and one day in Cozumel.

And you only have to put $400 down right now, the rest isn’t due until November 7th!

Just two of you sailing?  It’s $753 with tax, including $25 in onboard spending credit and $75 worth of credit toward shore excursions!

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